Morgan Sloane

Chartered Building Surveyor in Colchester, Essex

Chartered Building Surveyor in Colchester, Essex

Morgan Sloane Chartered Surveyors are leading surveyors in Colchester, Essex delivering a variety of residential and commercial surveying services. 
Our offering includes building surveying which, depending on your interest in a property, is crucial to ensure you fulfil your legal obligations and avoid plunging money into a sinking ship.

For Buyers 

Considering purchasing a property? We highly recommend having the property surveyed to ensure there are no defects that may result in costly maintenance or repairs. 
Before you secure a mortgage, your lender will complete a basic property survey. However, there are various checks you can have complete by a chartered building surveyor that may uncover flaws that not even your lender could see.
If issues arise from your survey, you will then have the leverage to negotiate the price you'll pay for the property and factor in development costs once you move in, so there are no nasty surprises.

For Lenders

Morgan Sloane Chartered Surveyors regularly assists banks and lenders with property surveys and administration.
Our building surveyors can complete routine checks of a property to ensure that your investment is safe and secure.

For Landlords 

If you own a building, commercial or residential, it's vital that you regularly complete a stock condition survey. A stock condition survey will identify areas that require repair and maintenance, in compliance with the freeholder's obligations. 
At Morgan Sloane, our surveyors are certified to complete stock condition surveys and regularly do so throughout Essex for both residential and commercial clientele.

Building Regulations 

If you are renovating or extending your property, it's essential that you comply with building regulations and complete the necessary application forms and attain approval before you start your project. We can guide you through this process. 
Without permission, you may face fines upwards of £5,000 and, even worse, you may be required to tear down any progress you have made on your property without permission, resulting in extensive costs.

Need a chartered building surveyor in Colchester, Essex? Contact us.